So, it's been awhile. I haven't written a "post" in quite some time because I've been swamped with everything from pictures, to cleaning, to getting prepared for our Foreign Exchange Student that's coming in less than two weeks! Am I crazy, or what?!?
We just got back from our "family vacation". Destination: Pensacola Beach. A long 13 hour drive. Kailee did so well in the car. We provided her with a DVD player, her own mixed Cd's, books and lots of snacks. Mission Accomplished! When we crossed the Florida border, we were antsy to get out of the car, yet bitter because it was raining. We kept hearing the ol' saying "if you don't like the weather in Florida, wait 15 minutes, and it'll change. Well, guess what?! It didn't change. It rained until we pulled in the driveway. Thank god for that too! We stayed at my "Aunt's" condo. She's actually, my Biological Mother, but seeing that I was adopted within the family, we've always called her my Aunt. I'll explain later.
Anyway, she and her husband have a beach front condo. I swear, it's the most beautiful place in the US. It's got a deck that faces the water, so every morning, we would eat our healthy, fresh fruit breakfast on the deck and watch for dolphins. Ahh, pure bliss.

We'd get up and around about 8:30, then head down to be "beach bums". Our first day there, we went to the water, and noticed the unusual amounts of jelly fish. Those little fuckers STING and it HURTS! We had our nets, and were catching them left and right. careful of their tentacles though, because they're what stings you.
With that being said, we did get in the water the first day, but didn't stay in there for long. The jelly fish got better throughout the week. Thank goodness there was a pool on the other side of the condo. That's how the rest of the week went, we'd go down, lay on the beach for a few hours...making sandcastles, looking for seashells, and watching Bryan boogie board, then went down to the pool to cool off. Sandcastles...another subject. It's hard to make a really good sandcastle in Pensacola Beach. The sand is super soft, not to mention white! I am declaring myself as a "beach snob" from now on. I don't want to "vacation" anywhere that the sand is brown. Ick. ha ha. just kidding.
By Tuesday, our lil' beach bum, had the cutest little Coppertone tan, you've ever seen. Her little white booty, and her brown arms and legs. Too cute.

There was one day (Thursday) when we left the island, and went to my "Aunts" ranch house. Wow. What a nice getaway. And I thought the condo on the beach was a nice getaway.
She had horses, a pool and a children's playground. Kailee was in HEAVEN! I swear, these horses were like dogs. They just came up to us, and begged to have us pet them.
All and all, we had a great time. I don't think that we've ever had a family vacation, where we just relaxed. No agenda to go by. It was great! Pensacola Beach was great, because it wasn't too crowded. I highly recommend it to families with young-ins.
Our first day back was hell. What is wrong with the weather here? I went to the grocery store on Sunday, get in my car, and see that the outside temp was 111 degrees. Now, that's just what it felt like, but DAMN SMOKEY! That's some hot shit. When we were on our way back from Florida, we stopped in Russellville to see my Granny. The 6 o'clock news came on, and they had did a study where they put raw cookie dough on a cookie sheet, put it in a car and they actually baked!! That's one way to save on your energy bill. Um, I guess. ha
That's all for now, folks. I'm going to try to write more. I really enjoy it. Sometimes, I don't have a lot to say, but I still like to get it out. It's so good for the mind.
Peace out to my homies~