10:24 AM
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I haven't written in awhile...I've been swamped with photos. Here's my weekend in photos.
We went to a wedding on Saturday. My little girl looked like she should've been the flower girl, because of her cute little dress. She was a flower girl this time last year, and wore this dress. hee hee. Double for your money!! Bryan looked pretty *fly* if I say so, myself. We had fun.

My cousin Lindsay (Bridesmaid), Kailee & I

Angela and Kailee


My lil' Coppertone Girl!

Kailee and Mommy
After the wedding, I head on down to George's to see Gavin DeGraw. Met up with a few friends, and we made our way to the front. Hell, if ya' can't find a seat, might as well "fight for your right, to party"...in the FRONT! ha ha. I saw him perform almost six years ago, and he's still such an amazing performer. His voice! WOW!
It was great to see him again...in Fayetteville!

That's all folks. I'll write more later. I need to get back in the swing of things and write more. Wanted: A hard working Assistant, that can help me clean, organize, and de-clutter my life. Will pay good! ha ha.
Barack and Roll Baby!!!!!!!!!
3:00 PM
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Ahh!! I've been tagged! The most kick ass blogger, and even more kick ass friend,
Rho at
momwhodrinksandcusses tagged me so now, it's my turn to let you in on a lil' somethin' somethin' bout myself.
Here are the ever-so-simple rules:
1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write 6 random things about yourself.
4. Tag 6 people at the end of your post.
5. Let each person know he/she has been tagged.
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.
Six rules. Six things about myself.
1. I'm obsessed with anything PUMPKIN! Hence, why I love fall weather so much.
2. I think I could challenge most anyone, and win at a music trivia game. Rho, will you be on my team? ;o)
3. King Estate Pinot and Perrier are my two drugs of choice.
4. My Granny is my hero...the bleeding heart liberal that she is!
5. I was adopted...within the family
6. I have a pathological fear of BIRDS! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Time for me to start tagging!! I don't think I know six "bloggers" yet, but here goes. I love these things, so I might make another one up later. It keeps us on each others' pages and they're fun...don't lie to yourself. ;o)
I love you, guys!!
http://stopcallingmethat.blogspot.com/ (I don't know you, but I like your blog!!)
:o( That's it. A lot of my friends, don't blog. Let's spread the blogging love, and get more people to blog. :o)
11:35 PM
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- "Chocolate always loves you back"
- "You can put lipstick on a pig, and it's STILL Sarah Palin" (my current fav)
- "thirteen, fourteen, FIVEteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, TWENTY!"
"Good Morning!! I'm going to pick up breakfast and coffee"Wifey:
"Great, I'll get the Sunday paper ready to read, and wait for you to get back"--twenty minutes later, he arrives back at home
"Thought you were making coffee?"Wifey:
Um, thought you were getting breakfast and coffee?"Hub:
"Oh yeah, guess I'll make the coffee, then"
- We decided to go bowling on Friday, and as I was teaching my little girl to bowl, she bent down, and lost her hair bow on the lane. Forgetting that the lanes are slicker than snot, I reach down to get it...only to fall on my effing ASS!!!! I tried to get up several times, but failed miserably...so I had to slide my ass off the lane. I was hurting so bad, yet it was so damn funny. I was walking funny, but people around me thought that I was doing the "cool dance". HA HA Karma pulled through for me, because I scored 174...3 strikes in a row, and picked up most of my spares. I seriously, CANNOT BOWL. Hub's score was 98, and our FES' score was 56....did I mention that our darling daughter would just put the ball down, and roll it. Granted, it took about a week for the ball to reach the pins, but she ended up with a better score than our FES.
Though I was hurting like a mofo, I am still laughing about it. DUH! Everyone knows that you're not supposed to walk onto the lanes.
8:18 AM
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Kailee went to sleep on her own last night, and slept in her bed until 6AM! YEAH!!!! It's 8:30, and she's still asleep. SCORE! I'm hoping to break her of these damn night terrors. They suck! Note to ANYONE who has a toddler: Get them on a good sleep regiman. If not, they could have night terrors.
A night terror, also known as pavor nocturnus, is a parasomnia sleep disorder characterized by extreme terror and a temporary inability to regain full consciousness. The subject wakes abruptly from slow-wave sleep, with waking usually accompanied by gasping, moaning, or screaming. It is often impossible to fully awaken the person, and after the episode the subject normally settles back to sleep without waking. A night terror can rarely be recalled by the subject. They typically occur during non-rapid eye movement sleep.Hooray for this Mommy for getting her to bed early, turning off the tv at 6pm, dinner and bathtime done by 8pm, and asleep by 8:45.
Can I getta whoo whoo!!!
9:24 PM
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Oh, how I never thought I'd hear the haunting words of a 21 year old say "you're going to be HOW OLD on your next birthday? 30? Wow, you're getting up there!" Hmmmm? I had to think about that one for a second. Ok, so we're in the same workout group together, she's 21, and though she just had a baby, her body has so much elasticity that she looks like she just stepped out of a high school cheerleader locker room. Ugh. Make me sick. Bitch doesn't need to be here....working out, nor telling me that I'm basically getting OLD! ha.
None the less, the girl really is a sweet girl, just clueless sometimes. I want to thank her, because that day, I worked my ever loving ASS off. By God, I was going to work off my 3 1/2 year old baby fat. Yes, I breastfed like a MFer, and lost all of my baby weight...well, most of it. Then, I re-discovered "Mommy's Medicine" WINE! Uh oh. I could actually see the wine filling up my ass, so my weight went right back on.
Anyway, I realized very quickly, that I wasn't 22 anymore. I couldn't drink as much as I wanted to without working out, and expect my body to stay firm and cute. No, no, no!
So that night, I corked a bottle of wine (go figure, 'eh?) and gave the ol' Mom a call. I told her what the lovely little 21 year old had said, and she reminded me that, she turned the big 5-0 last November. She told me that your 20's are the WORST, 30's are pretty good, but that her 40's, were so far the BEST! She was actually looking forward to life in her 50's! Um, CHEERS to Mom on that one! I'll think I'll have another glass on that note..............
I'm not saying that I'm the least bit scared of turning 30. Hell, I'm just happy that I still get birthdays, however I do remember being 21 and thinking exactly what that girl had said. 30 is OLD. I just say old...ER! I'm excited to be 30. I'm hoping that the major, petty worries of my 20's won't follow me there, either. By the way, I must give thanks to the women of Sex and the City! Let's raise our glasses to the Fab 4, for making ages 30-50 SEXY! Eat that, 21 year olds! ha ha ha
From one old...ER hag to another...
7:22 AM
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So, it's been awhile. I haven't written a "post" in quite some time because I've been swamped with everything from pictures, to cleaning, to getting prepared for our Foreign Exchange Student that's coming in less than two weeks! Am I crazy, or what?!?
We just got back from our "family vacation". Destination: Pensacola Beach. A long 13 hour drive. Kailee did so well in the car. We provided her with a DVD player, her own mixed Cd's, books and lots of snacks. Mission Accomplished! When we crossed the Florida border, we were antsy to get out of the car, yet bitter because it was raining. We kept hearing the ol' saying "if you don't like the weather in Florida, wait 15 minutes, and it'll change. Well, guess what?! It didn't change. It rained until we pulled in the driveway. Thank god for that too! We stayed at my "Aunt's" condo. She's actually, my Biological Mother, but seeing that I was adopted within the family, we've always called her my Aunt. I'll explain later.
Anyway, she and her husband have a beach front condo. I swear, it's the most beautiful place in the US. It's got a deck that faces the water, so every morning, we would eat our healthy, fresh fruit breakfast on the deck and watch for dolphins. Ahh, pure bliss.

We'd get up and around about 8:30, then head down to be "beach bums". Our first day there, we went to the water, and noticed the unusual amounts of jelly fish. Those little fuckers STING and it HURTS! We had our nets, and were catching them left and right. Ewww...be careful of their tentacles though, because they're what stings you.
With that being said, we did get in the water the first day, but didn't stay in there for long. The jelly fish got better throughout the week. Thank goodness there was a pool on the other side of the condo. That's how the rest of the week went, we'd go down, lay on the beach for a few hours...making sandcastles, looking for seashells, and watching Bryan boogie board, then went down to the pool to cool off. Sandcastles...another subject. It's hard to make a really good sandcastle in Pensacola Beach. The sand is super soft, not to mention white! I am declaring myself as a "beach snob" from now on. I don't want to "vacation" anywhere that the sand is brown. Ick. ha ha. just kidding.
By Tuesday, our lil' beach bum, had the cutest little Coppertone tan, you've ever seen. Her little white booty, and her brown arms and legs. Too cute.

There was one day (Thursday) when we left the island, and went to my "Aunts" ranch house. Wow. What a nice getaway. And I thought the condo on the beach was a nice getaway.
She had horses, a pool and a children's playground. Kailee was in HEAVEN! I swear, these horses were like dogs. They just came up to us, and begged to have us pet them.
All and all, we had a great time. I don't think that we've ever had a family vacation, where we just relaxed. No agenda to go by. It was great! Pensacola Beach was great, because it wasn't too crowded. I highly recommend it to families with young-ins.
Our first day back was hell. What is wrong with the weather here? I went to the grocery store on Sunday, get in my car, and see that the outside temp was 111 degrees. Now, that's just what it felt like, but DAMN SMOKEY! That's some hot shit. When we were on our way back from Florida, we stopped in Russellville to see my Granny. The 6 o'clock news came on, and they had did a study where they put raw cookie dough on a cookie sheet, put it in a car and they actually baked!! That's one way to save on your energy bill. Um, I guess. ha
That's all for now, folks. I'm going to try to write more. I really enjoy it. Sometimes, I don't have a lot to say, but I still like to get it out. It's so good for the mind.
Peace out to my homies~
11:16 AM
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Yes indeed, I had food poisoning last week and though I've lost weight, I've felt like total crap-ola!
I thought it was the "bug" that had been going around, but when my mouth tasted funny (almost like a acid gas...strange, I know) , no fever, and felt like someone was punching my stomach. I just knew something had to be up. Kailee nor Bry got it either. Hmmm?
After researching and talking to two "Natural" Docs, and my father, who is a food safety expert, basically it seems that I've had salmonella. ICK! The ONE time I order chicken at a restaurant, I get food poisoning. Why don't I eat chicken at restaurants? Because they're DIRTY animals. Disgusting. Have you ever been beside a Tyson truck and seen the chickens inside. They all look pink and sick. Ewwww...
Note: I was a vegetarian for 9 years before I got pregnant. Um, leaning that way again, real soon! Also, if you're ever having a pot luck and want me to bring something, don't count on me bringing chicken because it will be so dry that you could feed it to your dog as jerky! Seriously!
I'd hate for anyone to get sick from a nasty bird!
Today was the first day that I was able to eat an entire meal without my stomach hurting afterwards. Hooooorrrrrrraaaaaayyyyy!!!!!!!
Speaking of which, I must note that probably the reason why my stomach didn't hurt is because I ate so little. Not because I wasn't hungry, either. A good friend of mine told me about these "Gluten Free" rice flour noodles. Ahh, healthy! At last, a great alternative to wheat noodles.
Maybe great for some, but dude, they SUCK! For one, the texture is like slop! First of all, I don't eat a lot of speghetti. Ya see, I was fed the cheap Italian meal about once, possibly twice a week growing up. Needless to say, I'm sick of it!! So, when I decided to make it tonight, I was so excited because of my new, "healthy" noodles. I spent hours making my own marinara sauce too. I stick the noodles in the pot and let them boil for 8-9 minutes (package says 10) Yo, my high school cafeteria could've done them better justice.
I think that if and when I make speghetti again, I'll stick to my whole wheat noodles. They have more fiber and protein in them anyway. Thanks for the tip though. They're just not for me. I hate to waste food too, but we're not going to eat the speghetti tomorrow so, if you're hungy, let me know. Otherwise, it's going in the garbage! Bye Bye Slop! Appetizing, huh?!?
At any rate, I'm loosing weight. Just not the "feel good" way. I'm sure I'll make up for it this weekend. HA! Until then, don't eat the chicken.......
11:52 PM
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As I am working on pictures (my job...uh, hmm, my HOBBY) I'm also waiting for my pot to dry. HA! HA HA HA...Bevis and Butthead are coming to mind just now..."waiting for my pot to dry" ?? ha, ha. Nah, I am painting my pots that I am re-potting my plants in. I didn't want to waste money on buying decorative pots, therefore I am painting my own. My current pot, (i just love saying that) is black with white polka dots, to match my house.
I think I'm going to write a list on what to tell my daughter to keep from her younger days for when she's older. Ok, so I was out in my garage looking for my handy dandy, polka dot sponge (yes, I need a friggin' sponge to have a polka dot, I can't draw two circles alike, ya know) when I spotted my old photo album from high school. Rule #1, keep a photo album! Boy, was I a dork! ha. I had all sorts of pictures with random high school peers that are all so different now. Ok, what was up with the burgandy, dark green and navy striped shirts...worn by dudes with "bowl cuts"? WoW! And to think that I actually thought these guys were cute? Cute, I'm telling you. No "hotties" actually were in my class because, they were all older than me by this point. I had a "thing" for the older guys in bands tho. I was going to "marry" Shannon Hoon from Blind Melon, thank you very much. I was actually too chicken to go even to 3rd base with anyone but the thought still crossed my mind. I hung out in bars/clubs that had a crowd of about mid 20's to late 40's. Mind you, I was no Amy Fisher or anything...I just liked the older crowd.
Rule #2, ticket stubs and guitar picks!!! Keep them ALL! It's a trip down memory lane with each and every show. I could sell these suckers for some $$$ if I wanted to. I've see more concerts in 29 years than most people have in their whole lives. You would've thought I was a true "Groupie" but in all honesty, I just hung out with one, so technically, I was a poser...a VIRGIN poser, mind you. I had a friend (she was 26, I was 15) who would send headless naked pictures to Mick Jagger every single day. Seriously. This advice, I will NOT give to my Darling Daughter. I had no part in that stuff.
Rule #3, Have timeless hair. No matter what, you can always tell what decade you were living in, by your hair!!!! Why oh why did I have such beautiful hair in the 90's but failed miserably to style it?? Why? It was enough that my jeans were messed up with that tight roll crap, but my hair? Ugh! Not cool. And to think that my poor, adorable friend, Dash actually looked up to me. Again, WHY? Thanks, Dash! Really...
Last thing...going through old year books always make me laugh! Not the pictures, but the signings that people write. My favorites are the ones from the girls that LOVE their boyfriends so much and swear that they'll be together for ever and ever. "Hey girl, you better not forget me this summer, and keep in touch! Seniors RULE! I love Nathan 4-EVER & EVER! Love Always, Tracy" Ummm, OK?
Or, the ones that say "Math class was really boring but I never would've made it without you. Take care, Brad" WHO THE HELL IS BRAD? I don't remember a Brad.
At any rate, Brad, Tracy...whomever these people are has made me laugh 12 years later. Thank you!
Until then, I'm going to ROCK ON with my pot......
12:58 PM
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OK, so I found my last blogger account. I knew my last posts weren't gone. Here's the link if you'd like to check out some other blogs that I've written....if you care. ha. just kidding.
I'm going to start actually writing my stories down that I tell Kailee every night. We read a book, then I continue my creative stories about "The Adventures of Bernice and Kate"
Bernice lives in the country in New York and Kate lives in the NYC. It's pretty cool. Kailee is by far my biggest fan and she loves them. HA HA HA!
9:30 AM
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What a weekend! Friday night, I went out (yes, without Bryan but he didn't want to go because he was TIRED from his first week of his new job!) went to see my Idol, Patrice Pike. She's such a badass. Had a great time and was even home before midnight.
Saturday was Fayetteville's own, Springfest! It was such a beautiful day too!! YAY, it didn't rain! I ran into EVERYONE I knew, I swear. For the first few hours, it was just Kailee and I. We had a blast together. She walked along side me and was a complete angel!!! Gawd, I love this town. We sat down at D's Pizzeria (formerally, 414) and had a D's Supreme Pizza that was ok...the sauce tastes just like CHILI! Even the drunken bikers next to us commented on the chili. ha. The ingredients are fresh but don't waste your money on chili pizza. ha! Anyway, I was commenting on how Dickson Street that day reminded me, somewhat of Venice Beach, California. There were people of EVERY type walking around enjoying the festivities. Makes me really appreciate this town. The only place in Arkansas, I'd ever call a "home" that's for sure! The Omni-Stage area was by far the best! Lots of neat things to do for kids. Kailee had her face painted and completed all four "green challenges" to get her free "organic orange juice snow cone"
We then went over to "kids zone" What a joke! I mean, you had to pay $3 to bounce in the one of those giant inflatable things. I let Kailee play for about fifteen minutes, then we were out of there! Bryan and I just weren't feeling it for more reasons than one. ha. Kailee was having more fun at the Omni Stage area and the Doggie area anyway. Plus, she was learning. 6:30 rolls around and we are BEAT! The sun had got the best of Kailee (even with sunscreen on)
The second we got home, Miss Kailee, immediately passed out. I decided to get a few movies and when I returned, the whole family was asleep. Including our 10 week old kitten. WHAT? I wanted to go back out. I wanted to see Patrice again and Blind Melon (well, what's left of Blind Melon) Bryan and I had a babysitter lined up, and everything. After I watched Juno (what a great movie), I too, was tired. I just wanted to sit....and sit some more. I looked in the mirror and noticed that the sun had got the best of me as well. Bryan woke up, we made some coffee (at 9PM) and watched another movie. We were up until 1:30. BUZZED ON COFFEE!!!!
I was just fascinated by the fact that I saw the "must have" list for some of the bands that were scheduled to appear...
Michael Franti and Spearhead didn't want any of their food touching ANY sort of plastic or styrofoam.
Charlie Daniels Band wanted booze when they got there, and booze when they left.
Sonic Youth wanted Sushi, whole wheat bagels and organic greens
Found that pretty interesting!
I'll write about my Sunday on a later date. It was one of the best Sunday's I've ever had!! More to come on that....
I have to comment on one thing. How come they are showing "Queen and Deep Purple" concert at the Malco Razorback 12 but they won't bring "Shine a Light" (Rolling Stones movie) ???
Hello, I mean I love Queen and Deep Purple but THE ROLLING STONES? Keith Richards is still kicking it and the dude has died 5 or 6 times, I swear. ha!
Today will be a good day! This week will be a good week!! The sun is shining and Kailee and I are in the best of moods! Hip, hip, hooooooorrrrraaaayyyy!!!!!!
I'm thinking, a picnic in the park, some new shoes and a visit to Lowe's...that doesn't fit very well, does it. ;o)
"let the sun shine in, and brighten your face"
10:11 AM
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Ting, ting, ting, ting, ting, SLAP! That's the sound of Bryan fighting with his alarm clock most mornings. But, not today. It was his first day at his new job. The alarm went off, ting, ting, pat. Ahh, that's more like it. Bryan gets in the shower, gets ready only to find out that he has a flat tire. DAMN! He gets the tire changed so that he can take it to Tire Tracks. He then comes home and tells me how this chick had brought in her Chiuaua dog and it wouldn't stop pooping on the floor! Bryan went into to detail how the dog, obviously had issues because it couldn't stop. (Maliah: was she a young girl that just brought her pup in?" Bryan: no, she was probably around your age, if I had to guess") WHAT? Ok, enough about Bryan's tough first day, for a second. WOW! I'm a year from being the big 3-0 but I still consider myself, young.
Back to Bryan. He gets home and is off to work. What a morning!
Quick weekend update...went camping on Friday. My dad has a friend who hosts "Jamfest" every year. Many musicians come out and camp. There are about five or six campfires across his land that sits along the White River. Lots of great music and great food! FUN, FUN, FUN! Kailee and I slept in the back of our SUV, while Bryan slept in the tent. Saturday, we were all BEAT, so Bryan and Kailee stayed home (Kailee wasn't feeling too hot, either), while I went out for a bit. Some friends of mine (who rarely come to Fayetteville) were playing at George's so I couldn't miss it. It was a great time except for the fact, that every time I see those guys, they always make me feel bad so that I'll work the "merch booth". Granted, I sold over $400 worth of merch, but I really wanted to see more of the show.
I'm such a SUCKA!
I then went BACK to the campgrounds to pack our stuff. Like I wasn't tired already?!? By the time I got home, it was 4:30 AM! Thank you, Bryan (and Kailee) for letting me sleep until noon yesterday. HOOOOORRRRRRAAAAYYY!!!!! I get up and sit there for awhile...until Bryan wants to go play tennis. Ok, I haven't played in YEARS but oh well, what the heck.
We all get on the court and believe it or not, I've still got it! Bryan even told me that he was quite impressed with my form. Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah! ha ha
Ahh, it's Monday now. Just another Manic Monday. Wish it were....NEXT FRIDAY!
Until then.....jam on~
5:45 PM
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Ok, am I the only one who thinks that it's now ok to "lick and wipe" to clean your child's face? GROSS! I used to hate that shit, but as I've grown, I get it. I gave Kailee a single square of dark chocolate and in a matter of one minute and 30 seconds, the child had it everywhere!! You would've thought I had given the her a whole bag of Hershey kisses or something. M&M's melt in your mouth, yes...dark chocolate squares melt on your face? Hmmm...
So I used to scream at times, wishing I had an 8-5 job...until today. I woke up at 5:30 AM so that I could be at my "job" for the day by 7:00 (hey, I had to allow time for a trip to my daily sin, Starbucks) I was going to be volunteering my time and services (photography) for United Way "Day of Caring". While it feels good that I'm doing a good deed, I am thinking to myself "Gee, I get up way too early for my liking anyway because of a toddler, yet I am wanting to get up "extra" early so that I could go work for FREE?" What is wrong with me? ha! Karma, Maliah...good karma!
Don't get me wrong, I love my mornings, but 5:30 is just wrong. I have gained a new found respect for people, especially Mom's who have 8-5...7-5 jobs. Kudos to YOU!
It's getting late and I am really tired! I better hit the hay before my baby girl comes in to sleep with her Mommy (around 5ish) Bryan is off work tomorrow because he starts a new job on Monday! Hate to break it to the hub, but there will be no "early bird specials" at this house in the morning. I'll have coffee ready by 9. Early enough?
6:46 PM
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What is this world coming to? I mean, really? As I was driving today, I noticed that the gas light was still on...I'd been "milking it" for two days now. I decided that I needed to get gas, if I must. I drive my happy ass to Sam's Club to get it. LISTEN PEOPLE, get a SAM'S card....you'll save about .10 per gallon. Not much to some, but I happen to drive a GAS HAWG, so every penny saved is a penny earned, right?
Granted, I drive a V8 but that sucker cost me a whoppin $73.26! WOW! That'll teach a person, real quick to "go green" and to drive ONLY WHEN NEEDED! Damn, another reason to live in NYC, huh?!? ;o) just kidding. Damn, beautiful city is polluted as HELL but at least, I'd have the satisfaction of knowing that I was "doing my part" Don't you agree, Rho?!?
On top of spending a fortune on gas, I thought to myself "Why hell, I think I need a coffee, now" so Starbucks, here we come! Good thing the drive thru cashiers are so damn friendly because I now hate myself for falling for the "latte factor" and pay $3.97 for a coffee that I could've easily made at home! Where in the HELL are they getting their coffee? More like, what in the HELL was I thinking? Going back to the cashiers...kudos to those friendly little dudes. They always make me smile with their witty little charms. "Good Afternoon, welcome to Starbucks, my name is "Data" what is your java quest?"
Bottom line here, people...let's help one another out. If you've got library books that are due or need to pick up just an item or two at the store, let people know. If you do a favor for someone, it just might come back to you. Who knows? It's worth a try, eh? Plus, you'll get self satisfaction knowing that you helped someone out and that you "did your part"
10:39 PM
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....just breathe!
This is my motto for the week....to just breathe! I'll start with my lovely morning! About 4:30 AM, I was awoken by the dry coughing sounds of my baby girl. She climbs into bed with us and curls up to me. What a sweetheart! The girl sure loves to cuddle. Then it began...the coughing. Damn gas heat! After many drinks of water and a homeopathic cough drop, she finally got to sleep and we slept for a few hours, we then decided to get up. Low and behold, as I was hugging her, I felt something "gummy" on her back. OH NO, not the RED SILLY PUTTY that I got her for Easter!!!!!! YES! I had put it up last night but my DL (Dahhhling Husband) decides that it would be ok if she played with it before bed..."Maliah, I tried to take it away from her but she wouldn't give it back to me" HA! It's everywhere...her new jammies, her hair, her sheets and our sheets!!! This sucks, I don't even get a cup of coffee before I discover this. I got most of it out. It leaves a nice stain for ya, though. No more silly putty for us!
9:00 AM We've decided to get rid of our nasty ass carpet and graduate to ceramic tile and bamboo flooring! The ball began to roll today when the "man with the plan" (floor installer) came in to "tear it up". Boy oh boy...what a trip! Kailee is ultra excited, because while I was helping dude put our washer and dryer into our garage, I asked her to sit on the couch, (so that she wouldn't be in our way) she discovers that we had put the refrigerator in the living room. Ahh, every man's dream! ha All of the sudden, the girl is STARVING! She would've ate the raw cauliflower I had or the goat cheese salad that I made last night. Funny how, if you change things up a bit, how children will react. Maybe I should put her bed out there too? ;o)
Earlier, I set my "myspace status" to Cranky. I also put "I NEVER want to see silly putty EVER AGAIN!!" Well, I get this email from this friend of mine. We'll call her Mandy (thanks, Rho)
he writes "Why are you so cranky? You have no reason to be that cranky"
OK, did she not read the statement that went with it? Alright, let's back up here...a few weeks ago, I was really tired when I dropped Kailee off at MMO. The morning hadn't been real wonderful either. Well, just because I wasn't bouncing off the walls, she passes me and says "Get that look off your face and put a smile on it". Don't ask my why it irked me the way it did but I felt like saying "you have no idea, lady". She's also the friend who when Kailee peed in her pants less than a minute from asking her if she had to go, tried to tell me how to raise my daughter. I was going to punish Kailee by making her wear a pull-up. I was punishing her for lying to me...not for the accident. Mandy jumped me and said "you don't need to punish your daughter, yada, yada, yada" I stopped her and said "I'm her Momma, please stay out of it"
Mandy felt bad but kept trying to justify why I shouldn't punish her. Poor Mandy has a 6 1/2 year old that is still not potty trained. And I'm the crazy one, here. ha.
Don't get me wrong, I'll take parenting advice but c'mon.....
Well, I guess this is it. Better get to bed before the time comes when my little girl comes in to cuddle with her Mommy. Until then, I'm just going to breathe!