Ticket Stubs and Guitar Picks...oh, and pot

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As I am working on pictures (my job...uh, hmm, my HOBBY) I'm also waiting for my pot to dry. HA! HA HA HA...Bevis and Butthead are coming to mind just now..."waiting for my pot to dry" ?? ha, ha. Nah, I am painting my pots that I am re-potting my plants in. I didn't want to waste money on buying decorative pots, therefore I am painting my own. My current pot, (i just love saying that) is black with white polka dots, to match my house.

I think I'm going to write a list on what to tell my daughter to keep from her younger days for when she's older. Ok, so I was out in my garage looking for my handy dandy, polka dot sponge (yes, I need a friggin' sponge to have a polka dot, I can't draw two circles alike, ya know) when I spotted my old photo album from high school. Rule #1, keep a photo album! Boy, was I a dork! ha. I had all sorts of pictures with random high school peers that are all so different now. Ok, what was up with the burgandy, dark green and navy striped shirts...worn by dudes with "bowl cuts"? WoW! And to think that I actually thought these guys were cute? Cute, I'm telling you. No "hotties" actually were in my class because, they were all older than me by this point. I had a "thing" for the older guys in bands tho. I was going to "marry" Shannon Hoon from Blind Melon, thank you very much. I was actually too chicken to go even to 3rd base with anyone but the thought still crossed my mind. I hung out in bars/clubs that had a crowd of about mid 20's to late 40's. Mind you, I was no Amy Fisher or anything...I just liked the older crowd.

Rule #2, ticket stubs and guitar picks!!! Keep them ALL! It's a trip down memory lane with each and every show. I could sell these suckers for some $$$ if I wanted to. I've see more concerts in 29 years than most people have in their whole lives. You would've thought I was a true "Groupie" but in all honesty, I just hung out with one, so technically, I was a poser...a VIRGIN poser, mind you. I had a friend (she was 26, I was 15) who would send headless naked pictures to Mick Jagger every single day. Seriously. This advice, I will NOT give to my Darling Daughter. I had no part in that stuff.

Rule #3, Have timeless hair. No matter what, you can always tell what decade you were living in, by your hair!!!! Why oh why did I have such beautiful hair in the 90's but failed miserably to style it?? Why? It was enough that my jeans were messed up with that tight roll crap, but my hair? Ugh! Not cool. And to think that my poor, adorable friend, Dash actually looked up to me. Again, WHY? Thanks, Dash! Really...

Last thing...going through old year books always make me laugh! Not the pictures, but the signings that people write. My favorites are the ones from the girls that LOVE their boyfriends so much and swear that they'll be together for ever and ever. "Hey girl, you better not forget me this summer, and keep in touch! Seniors RULE! I love Nathan 4-EVER & EVER! Love Always, Tracy" Ummm, OK?
Or, the ones that say "Math class was really boring but I never would've made it without you. Take care, Brad" WHO THE HELL IS BRAD? I don't remember a Brad.
At any rate, Brad, Tracy...whomever these people are has made me laugh 12 years later. Thank you!

Until then, I'm going to ROCK ON with my pot......


RhoRho said...

I like your new layout. Have you visited momwhodrinksandcusses today? you may see something you like...(narcissist!):)

Jackie said...

Good blog! Funny and charming like yourself. :)